Coach Danford is a Performance Coach, specializing in strength and recovery driven training….view more
Let’s get Started!

About Me
My passion from performance-based goals in sports as well as my own health limitations influenced me to commit to a career in the fitness industry.
I have over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry and I am consistently educating myself on an annual basis to better the service I provide my clients.
Whether it be aesthetic changes to your body, increasing your overall fitness level or just be a better physical representative of yourself than you were prior, I have the experience and knowledge within my scope of practice to get you results!
Danford’s Credentials
- Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach | National Strength & Conditioning Association
- Certified Fascial Stretch Therapist – Level 2 | Stretch to Win
- Certified Nutrition Coach – Level 2 | Precision Nutrition
- Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology | York University
Danford’s Journey
- 2004 | Hospitalized for 2 months due to gastrointestinal complications
- 2005 | After losing 50lbs post-surgery I started weight training
- 2006 | After gaining all the weight back I was inspired to pursue further knowledge in human physiology and performance
- 2006 – 2010 | Committed in formal education in field of exercise physiology and health psychology, while working as a personal trainer full-time
- 2010 – 2012 | Started to invest in continuing education courses, seminars & workshops to build upon my undergraduate baseline
- 2012 | Proposed to my long time high-school girlfriend while on vacation, got food poisoning and lost 40lbs again, and gained it back again. I now realized there is more to health than just physical strength and body composition
- 2012 – 2015 | Humbled and motivated by my poor gut health I invested numerous hours into readings, courses & workshops on functional nutrition to better my clients and myself
- 2015 – 2016 | Started to stray away from my fitness values, in which I found myself skipping workouts, eating poorly & putting my work over my personal & family time. As a result the tail end of 2015 & early 2016 I found myself in the worst physical shape I have ever been in my life.
- 2016 – 2017 | Hospitalized again for the same gastrointestinal complication I suffered from 12 years ago. This time my recovery was much harder in comparison when I was 17 years old. It took me 3 months to be medically cleared to strength train again. This time I took a more strategic approach and hired my own coach and committed to work with him for at least 12 months. Now in the tail end of 2017 I am stronger, leaner & more mobile than ever!

Strength In Numbers
Humans are hard wired to form groups when working towards a common goal.